Web & mobile application for your insurance sales

Complete digital solution for insurance broker
in Austria.


With MAKLAR, we offer a compact and easy-to-integrate system for Austrian insurance brokers and their operational process.
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Growth through increased efficiency
Factory Industrial Robot Arm 1 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
Save time through automation
User Cash Scale Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
Cost reduction through optimization
Erfolgreicher und digitaler Versicherungsmakler durch MAKLAR
Our benefits

A central location for you and your customers

Imagine that you no longer have to chase after your customers and have an overview of all relevant data at all times. Our solutions help you work more efficiently and serve your customers more intensively.

Sales & customer acquisition

Dashboard-Ansicht mit Kundenboard für Vertrieb & Kundenakquise.

Contract & inventory management

Dashboard-Ansicht für die Vertrags- & Bestandsverwaltung von Kunden

Claims Management & Customer Service

Dashboard-Ansicht für das Schadens­manage­ment & den Kundenservice
MAKLAR Lösung auf einem Bildschirm, wo sich zwei Männer in Anzug die Hände schütteln, rundherum sind einzelne Features von MAKLAR zu sehen

“Unbelievable team, they work in such a way that you understand it and are also very quick to implement. Great work on what you do 👍”sehr schnell in der Umsetzung. Spitzenarbeit, was ihr leistet👍"

Marco Hasler, Gründer under Versicherungsmakler von Confia Solutions
Marco Hasler
CEO & insurance broker
Problems in everyday working life

Recognize these Everyday situations again?

We have found that there is no solution tailored to the requirements of self-employed and small, traditional insurance brokers.
Do you know that?
Office Stamp Document Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
I have daily stress not to overlook cancelled contracts
Cash Payment Sign 2 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
I run after my customers for signatures & policies
Conversation Sync Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
I get WhatsApp messages from “urgent” concerns on day 20
Notes Book Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
I don't have an overview of my existing customers and their data
Ein nachdenklicher Versicherungsmakler, der Stress und Probleme Im Berufsalltag hat
Business Contract Give Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

Time-consuming, manual tasks

Brokers spend countless hours on administrative tasks such as contract management and claims processing, which severely affects their efficiency.

Shortage in the quality of care

Due to the high workload, there is often little time left for individual and high-quality customer service, which reduces customer satisfaction.
Smiley Bad Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

Inefficient processes lead to stress

Complex and slow processes increase stress levels and the likelihood of errors, which significantly burdens the daily work of brokers.
A central location for your everyday life as a broker

We develop a process for your problem!für dein Problem!

MAKLAR offers a comprehensive software solution that covers all aspects of insurance management and at the same time has a modular structure. That means you can use exactly the features you need
MAKLAR covers all areas of insurance management, from contract management and claims processing to credit checks and customer communication on the web or on the mobile phone!
MAKLAR is modular so that you can use exactly the functions that you need.

You can select individual modules such as digital claims processing, e-signatures or the customer app and seamlessly integrate them into your existing processes in order to optimize your work processes flexibly and as needed.

“Great young and dynamic team.
Professional, fast processing and top quality. Highly recommended! Thank you so much for your great work.”Sehr zu empfehlen! Vielen Dank für Ihre großartige Arbeit."

Assecuranz Zöllner Logo
Marco Zöllner, CEO & Versicherungsmakler von Assecuranz Zöllner
Marco Zöllner
CEO & insurance broker
MAKLAR offers a flexible and comprehensive software solution that adapts to the specific needs of insurance brokers. Our modules are designed to optimize your work processes, increase efficiency and increase customer satisfaction.

Here are the main modules available to you:
M1 e-signature for contracts

Our e-signature module enables you to sign contracts digitally and in a legally binding manner. This speeds up the process of concluding contracts and reduces paperwork, so you and your customers can save time and optimize processes.

M2 Claims settlement

The claims processing module offers a digital claim form that your customers can easily fill out. Claims are managed centrally, and both you and your customers can track the status of claims processing in real time.

M3. Contract Management & Reminders

With our contract management module, you always have an overview of all customer contracts. Automated reminders help you never miss important deadlines and renewals, resulting in better customer loyalty and satisfaction.

M4. Customer app

Our customer app gives your customers access to their contracts, claims status and additional offers directly on their smartphone. This improves communication and interaction with your customers and provides a modern and user-friendly customer experience.

We are your virtual HR assistant.

3 good reasonsWhy you should work with us

Workflow Teamwork User High Five Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

School enrollment & individuality

We offer comprehensive training and customize our software to meet your specific needs. This ensures that you and your team can use the full potential of our solution.
Coding Apps Website Data Conversion Documents 2 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

Interfaces & integrations

Our software has numerous interfaces and integrations that enable a seamless connection with your existing systems. This makes implementation easier and significantly improves data management.
Workflow Teamwork Fistbump 2 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

Support &

We offer continuous support and regular updates to ensure that your software is always up to date and running at its best. Our dedicated support team is always available to answer any questions or issues you may have.

Fallbeispiele unserer Kunden

No items found.
Our process

How we work with you

Every broker has individual requirements and special features in his way of working. We don't want to change you, we want to adapt our solution to you!

process analysis

After an initial introductory phone call, we offer you a free demo. In this meeting, we work our way through a guided analysis of your everyday life and current processes. This is where we decide whether we can help you or not.

Requirements workshop

Then book a 120 minute workshop, where a prepared digital expert will design your optimal digital working day with you, coordinate all details and collect and structure ideas and wishes.

Development list & process

Before we start development and cooperation, the exact scope of the project is written down, the expectations are clearly defined and a final development budget is agreed.

Implementation & development

We then proceed to implement the discussed processes. You get access to our customer portal and are always informed where we are in the project and when feedback from you is needed.
additional offer
additional offer
additional offer
additional offer
additional offer
additional offer
additional offer
additional offer
additional offer
additional offer
Comprehensive marketing offer with ready-made & tested solutions for insurance brokers Faster, more efficient and more cost-effective than normal agencies. Here are some of our additional offerings:
Insurance broker website

Our professionally designed websites offer an attractive and functional online presence that optimally presents your insurance products. Through SEO optimization, we increase the visibility of your website in search engines, which helps you reach more potential customers and expand your customer base. User-friendly navigation and clear structure ensure that your visitors can quickly and easily find the information they need from an insurance broker.

Social media presence & advertising

We create targeted social media campaigns to effectively address your target group and increase your brand awareness. Our content creation includes informative and attractive posts and ads that pique the interest of your customers. Through continuous performance analysis, we optimize your campaigns to achieve the best possible results and maximize your reach, which ultimately leads to more leads and deals.

Email marketing for existing customers

With our automated email campaigns, you can communicate regularly and efficiently with your existing customers. Personalized content ensures that your customers receive relevant information and offers, which strengthens customer loyalty. We analyze the success of your campaigns and continuously optimize them to achieve the best results and retain your customers over the long term.

WhatsApp automations & ChatBot

Our solutions enable fast and direct communication with your customers via WhatsApp, an increasingly preferred communication channel. Automated answers ensure efficient customer service and quick response times. Integrating a ChatBot provides your customers with 24/7 support and answers frequently asked questions immediately, increasing customer satisfaction and improving your accessibility.


Our prices are AB prices and can always be discussed individually. We believe you need systems and templates that work, but every broker is unique. That is why we adapt flexibly to your specific needs in order to offer you the best possible solution.
Coding Apps Website Apps Add Widget Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
starting at 2499€
individual modules
Select and pay only for the modules you need. Fix-ready or customized for you.
Startup Product Rocket Box Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
starting at 13.999€
A-Z solution
Everything you need for efficient insurance management in one package.
Shopping Broadcast Advertising Monitor Megaphone Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com
from 1999€
marketing services
Tailored marketing solutions for customer loyalty and reach.

“... I've never had one of the ways better offer seen!”

Michael Rock, CEO von Rock the Garden
Michael Rock
Contact us

Let's have A chat

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Make an appointment with us to see if we can help you

Our services and process solutions are particularly suitable for insurance brokers and agents in the private sector and with around 500 customers or more.
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You have questions
We have answers

Should any questions remain unanswered, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to address any of your concerns personally and individually.
Which industries and company sizes benefit the most from your services?

Our services are cross-sectoral, but we primarily work with companies in non-digital industries (brokers, crafts, services, etc.) and are particularly suitable for SMEs with an annual turnover of 0.5 million € (small and medium-sized companies) who want to optimize their digital processes. We have worked successfully in industries such as hospitality, events, retail, healthcare, construction and many more.

What should I bring with me as a customer so that we are successful?

The main reason why digital innovations fail is the people themselves. That is why one of our values is also “the honest agency”, because we only work with you when we feel that we can really help you, but also that you bring what is necessary. We therefore want the following qualities from you:
- the necessary resources (time or money) to make the change
- to be proactive and ready to learn
- to have clear priorities for your company

How long does it usually take to complete a digital transformation project?

It takes less than 4 weeks from our initial consultation to your MVP if you want to be fast. For further individual software solutions and developments, we take between 2-6 months, depending on the scope.

How can I ensure that digital transformation is sustainable and future-proof?

One of our key corporate values is to be a digital pioneer yourself. This means that we too are constantly learning and ensuring that your digital transformation is sustainable and future-proof by constantly integrating the latest technologies and best practices. We also offer continuous support and regular updates to ensure that your systems stay up to date and adapt to changing market requirements. What is still manual today will be done tomorrow with AI.

How does the process start if I want to work with you?

The first step is either to fill out our Digi Scorecard or book a non-binding initial consultation. If we are a good match, you will receive a free digital consultation. From there, it's straight to strategy, research and requirements processes. We then develop an MVP (Minimal Viable Product) for the initial testing phase before moving on to full development and support. With us, everything is digital and fast. So it's up to you to want to become a digital pioneer!

How much do your services cost?

We have fixed prices for our service packages, with the cheapest type of cooperation starting at 500€. Our main offer is usually between 6,000 - 10,000 euros. We understand that budget considerations are important and therefore try to offset all our costs through a good ROI over the course of the collaboration, so that when working with us over the long term, you earn more than you have costs with us. For more information on the costs of the service packages, feel free to book an appointment.

Sometimes the classic product isn't the perfect solution. In such cases, we become a digital carpenter and produce tailor-made solutions that are tailored to your specific requirements. The customization allows us to play the full range on the digital service piano, but will always start from a minimum amount of 20,000 euros due to the required level of personalization. In order to provide you with an accurate offer, we need more information about your specific needs and goals. Feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to discuss the prices tailored to your project.

The best time is now!jetzt!

Whether you're looking for digital business solutions or advice or want to inquire about more efficient processes in marketing, sales, service or business operations, our team is ready to expertly guide you through your digital journey.