digital transformation

Digital consulting for SMEs


As a digital consulting and software company, we help SMEs with their digital transformation.
Graph Bar Increase Streamline Icon:
Improved efficiency and reduced workload
Pie Chart Streamline Icon:
Increased competitiveness and market position
Briefcase Dollar Streamline Icon:
Long-term financial gains and sustainable business model
Digitalberatung Collage, Astronaut schaut mit einem Fernglas auf einen Start Knopf, im Hintergrund startet einen Rakete
Successful SMEs that we were able to support in their digital transformations:


of all SMEs
have identified digital transformation as an important driver of long-term financial growth and adaptability.


of companies
are struggling to maximize the value of their organization's data investments


We have designed a 5-step framework that successfully enables digital transformation for SMEs.

Step into your

Digital-First Future

Our process

Workflow of our digital consulting

In today's business world, the central question of “How?” to “Why?” relocates. We specialize in developing customized digital solutions that not only make sense but also bring immediate benefits to you and your customers.

Vision and Strategy

We help you develop a clear digital vision and a tailored strategy that is tailored to your business goals. Together, we identify key areas that can be optimized through digital solutions.

Core business processes

We analyze and optimize your core business processes to increase efficiency and productivity. The aim is to automate manual tasks and improve workflow processes.

Customer and employee experiences

By implementing digital solutions, we improve interaction with your customers and employees. Our focus is on creating positive experiences that promote satisfaction and engagement.

Metrics and Iteration

We define clear metrics to measure the success of digital transformation. Through regular review and adjustment, we ensure that digital solutions are continuously improved.

Collaboration and communication

The most important reason for success in digital innovation is that it is supported by all stakeholders.
We help you with seamless communication and collaboration within your organization.
Mann in Anzug und Krawatte umgeben von Wolken und einem Gehirn. Digitale Trends und Tools verwirren Unternehmen, wir bieten Klarheit und Dialog.
Why Digidock

3 good reasons why you should work with us

We're not here to sell a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, we dive deep into your requirements and work closely with you to design a digital setup that's perfectly suited to your everyday life.


We have a personalized approach to meet your unique business needs and specific challenges.

Across industries

Our extensive experience in various industries enables us to bring best practices and innovative solutions to your business.

Support & integration

We offer continuous support from initial strategy through full implementation to post-implementation maintenance.

“Unbelievable team, they work so that you understand it and are very quick to implement. Great job you're doing 👍!”

Marco Hasler, Gründer under Versicherungsmakler von Confia Solutions
Marco Hasler

“Creatives and lsolution-oriented thinkers. Productive and enjoyable collaboration. Great product Quick generation of applications”

Dragana Ladan
Head of HR at Wiener Prater Koidls

"Jung, dynamisch, schnell & zuverlässig! Das sind die Schlagworte die mir zu Digidock einfallen. Aber das Team zeigt auch neue Wege auf und setzt sie innovativ um, und geht trotzdem auf die Kundenwünsche ein."

Destillerie Rogner Logo
Herman Rogner
Eigentümer der Destillerie Rogner

„Die vielen Ideen zur Problemlösung die spezifisch auf uns zugeschnitten wurden, der persönliche Einsatz von allen, wie schnell die verschiedenen eigenen Ideen umgesetzt wurden und auch meistens besser als erwartet..."

Rock the Garden Logo
Michael Rock, CEO von Rock the Garden
Michael Rock
CEO von Rock the Garden

"Digidock gab unserer Marke und unseren Produkten einen neuen frischeren Auftritt. Sehr gut gefallen hat mir der Professionelle Input und Flexibilität welche uns entgegengebracht wurde. Preis- Leistungsverhältnis unschlagbar!"

B-tastic Logo
User Circle Single Streamline Icon:
Stefan Pichlmann
Gründer von B-Tastic

Start your digital journey

for free
Digital consulting for SMEs
Free initial advice on analysis and strategy development for your digital transformation.
starting at €6,000
Functional MVP & Business
Creating a functional MVP and automation solutions for your individual needs.
starting at €20,000
Custom development of operating software
Tailored development for complex and specific requirements of your company.

“... I've never had one of the ways better offer seen!”

Michael Rock, CEO von Rock the Garden
Michael Rock
Free quiz

Are you already a digital pioneer in your industry?

Find out where your company stands now with a quick and easy quiz — free of charge and without obligation.
Graph Dot Streamline Icon:
Detailed analysis in 7 business areas
Collaborations Idea Streamline Icon:
Useful results for your everyday working life
Task List Streamline Icon:
Free PDF report
Start the quiz
Astronaut schaut auf sein Handy und im Hintergrund sieht man ein Widget, wo man das Ergebnis des Digitalen Vorreiter Quiz sieht

You've got questions, we've got answers
We have answers

Should any questions remain unanswered, please get in touch with us and we will be happy to address any of your concerns personally and individually.
How much can I customize Webflow template?

Our services are cross-sectoral, but we primarily work with companies in non-digital industries (brokers, crafts, services, etc.) and are particularly suitable for SMEs with an annual turnover of 0.5 million € (small and medium-sized companies) who want to optimize their digital processes. We have worked successfully in industries such as hospitality, events, retail, healthcare, construction and many more.

What should I bring with me as a customer so that we are successful?

The main reason why digital innovations fail is the people themselves. That is why one of our values is also “the honest agency”, because we only work with you when we feel that we can really help you, but also that you bring along what is necessary. We therefore want the following qualities from you:
- the necessary resources (time or money) to make the change
- to be proactive and ready to learn
- to have clear priorities for your company

Why Consult AI is a great template?

It takes less than 4 weeks from our initial consultation to your MVP if you want to be fast. For further individual software solutions and developments, we take between 2-6 months, depending on the scope.

How can I ensure that digital transformation is sustainable and future-proof?

One of our key corporate values is to be a digital pioneer yourself. This means that we too are constantly learning and ensuring that your digital transformation is sustainable and future-proof by constantly integrating the latest technologies and best practices. We also offer continuous support and regular updates to ensure that your systems stay up to date and adapt to changing market requirements. What is still manual today will be done tomorrow with AI.

How does the process start if I want to work with you?

The first step is either to fill out our Digi Scorecard or book a non-binding initial consultation. If we are a good match, you will receive a free digital consultation. From there, it's straight to strategy, research and requirements processes. We then develop an MVP (Minimal Viable Product) for the initial testing phase before moving on to full development and support. With us, everything is digital and fast. So it's up to you to want to become a digital pioneer!

How much do your services cost?

We have fixed prices for our service packages, with the cheapest type of cooperation starting at 500€. Our main offer is usually between 6,000 - 10,000 euros. We understand that budget considerations are important and therefore try to offset all our costs through a good ROI over the course of the collaboration, so that when working with us over the long term, you earn more than you have costs with us. For more information on the costs of the service packages, feel free to book an appointment.

Sometimes the classic product isn't the perfect solution. In such cases, we become a digital carpenter and produce tailor-made solutions that are tailored to your specific requirements. The customization allows us to play the full range on the digital service piano, but will always start from a minimum amount of 20,000 euros due to the required level of personalization. In order to provide you with an accurate offer, we need more information about your specific needs and goals. Feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to discuss the prices tailored to your project.

The best time is now!

Don't let the fear of becoming a digital dinosaur hold you back. Missing out on digital solutions for your business or department and losing your competitive edge can leave your business in the dust. It's time to step up and lead.