196+ Awards: Digital transformation for Europe's biggest hospitality award

Die 196+ Awards revolutionieren die Hospitality-Branche durch digitale Transformation und erhöhen die Effizienz und Benutzerfreundlichkeit ihrer Bewerbungs- und Bewertungssysteme. Unterstützt von Digidock setzen sie neue Maßstäbe für digitale Plattformen.
from Europe's most famous hotels
Jury members from all over Europe
Automations for reduced admin effort


The 196+ Awards, known for their prestigious awards in the hospitality industry, have undergone a significant digital transformation. With the aim of improving the usability and efficiency of their application and evaluation systems, they have carried out a comprehensive modernization of their digital platforms. This project was supported by Digidock as a digitization partner, which developed tailor-made solutions for the various awards in Milan, Munich and Vienna.

Background and initial situation

Prior to digital transformation, the 196+ Awards faced a number of challenges. The existing system was outdated, expensive and not very user-friendly. There was a lack of modern tools to efficiently manage applications and reviews. The need for a comprehensive overhaul was obvious to simplify the process for everyone involved — from applicants to jury to administration.

Objective of the project

The main goal of the project was to modernize and simplify digital communication and application processes. For this purpose, the following specific objectives were defined:

  • Creation of modern, user-friendly landing pages for the three awards.
  • Development of a multi-step application funnel to facilitate the application process.
  • Implementation of an admin dashboard to efficiently manage applications.
  • Development of a jury portal for easy evaluation of applications.
  • Setting up automated email communication processes to improve interaction with applicants and jury members.
  • Solution approach

    As a digital partner, we were able to develop a comprehensive solution that integrated various innovative approaches:

    • Design and development: Modern landing pages that reflect the brand identity of the 196+ Awards and offer a user-friendly interface.
    • Application funnel: A digital multi-step application process that allows up to 1000 submissions per month and is supported by automated email communication.
    • Admin and jury tool: An admin dashboard to manage applications and a jury portal for easy and efficient evaluation. Both tools are fully adapted to the customer's needs and offer security features such as two-factor authentication and data encryption.
    • Technology and automation: The use of low-code interfaces and existing technologies to create a cost-effective and flexible solution that meets customer requirements.

    Results and benefits

    The implementation led to impressive results:

    • Modern UI: A modern and easy-to-use user interface adapted to the target group, which reflects the quality and brand of the 196+ Awards.
    • Increasing efficiency: The new tools made it possible to significantly simplify and speed up the management of applications.
    • Positive feedback: The new platform was received positively by both users and the backend team, which confirms the successful implementation and increased satisfaction.


    By digitizing and modernizing their platforms, the 196+ Awards have taken a significant step towards the future. The new, easy-to-use tools and processes help to further improve the quality of awards and maximize administrative efficiency. Future projects and expansions can be seamlessly integrated into the existing solution, which ensures the continuous progress and success of the 196+ Awards.

    196+ awards: https://award.196plus.com/

    196+ web site: https://www.196plus.com/

    Video content produced by Annex Productions: https://annexproductions.com/

    Project concept & implementation by Digidock: digidock.agency

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