Wiener Prater Koidls: Digital pioneer in the Vienna Prater through innovative HR digitization

Vienna's Prater Koidls have strengthened their reputation as an attractive employer in Vienna through a digital transformation of their HR department and an innovative social media strategy. With support from Digidock and shooting time, they received over 200 qualified applications and thousands of website visitors. The project shows the potential of digitization in the HR sector and the effective use of social media to attract employees.
qualified applicants
months of project duration
central location for human resources
Project overview


Vienna's Prater Koidls, operators of attractions in Vienna's famous Prater, have undergone a remarkable digital transformation of their HR department. With the aim of positioning themselves as an attractive employer in Vienna and attracting urgently needed employees, they have implemented an innovative social media recruiting strategy. As a digital partner, the digital agency Digidock from Wels, together with the video producers from Drehzeit from Vienna, supported the company in implementing this project.

Background and initial situation

The Vienna Prater and in particular the Vienna Prater Koidls were faced with the challenge of urgently finding employees. Before the digital transformation, there was a lack of a well-thought-out social media strategy for recruiting employees and digital opportunities to find out about job offers and the employer.

Objective of the project

The main goal was to increase the presence of Wiener Prater Koidl and to position itself as an attractive employer in Vienna. In addition, qualitative applications should be generated and new employees should be hired. Secondary goals included creating content that represents the company and digitizing and simplifying the application process for the HR department.

Solution approach

The overall strategy was to develop a social media recruiting strategy to promote the Prater as one of the coolest jobs in Vienna. The focus was on authentic insights into working life and a career page with personal stories from employees. The technologies and tools used included content production, social media ads and the creation of an individual applicant dashboard for the HR department to efficiently manage applications.

Excerpt from over 100 social ad variants

Results and benefits

The implementation led to impressive results: over 200 qualified applications and thousands of visitors to the website. In addition, there was a high level of interest, and as a result, applications are now being received continuously via the career page, even without additional advertising measures. In the meantime, QR codes have also been attached to the rides, which lead directly to the career page. As a result of this offline measure, thousands of visitors are now also involved every day.

Career page & job portal

Customer feedback

“Thanks to the digital transformation of our HR department in collaboration with Digidock and Drehzeit, we were not only able to strengthen our presence as an attractive employer, but also establish an efficient application process. The response was overwhelming and we are delighted with the many qualified applicants,” said a spokesperson for Vienna's Prater Koidls.

Further information & key data

The successful implementation of this digital strategy has shown how important and effective digitization can be in the HR sector. Especially how much potential there is in traditional companies such as Vienna's Prater Koidls, if you aim for online advertising not only for new customers, but also for strengthening your own staff.

  • 3 days of shooting
  • Apply 9 jobs at the same time
  • 50 short videos
  • 8 Interview videos
  • 200 qualified applications in 3 months


Vienna's Prater Koidls have taken on a digital pioneering role in Vienna's Prater by digitizing their HR department. Through the efficient use of social media, the modern online presence and the implementation of a digital application process, they were not only able to attract urgently needed employees, but also position themselves as a modern and attractive employer.

Vienna Prater Koidls career page:

Web development, HR software, social media advertising support: Digidock digital agency

Content production: Drehzeit

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